Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rx for Valentine's Day

Here are Lucy and Charlotte's 2010 Valentine friend treats.

prescription bottle: 5 cents a piece (our WalMart said they'd give you 10 for free)
paper: $1.25 for all 25 bottles
candy: $4.00 for all 25 bottles
26 cents a piece...not bad.

I just printed the note on regular paper and then pasted it onto some Valentine's paper.

What's inside:
giant  Valentine Smarties.
*You would want to be careful so that your children know that things found in medicine bottles usually aren't candy!


Carrie said...

Those are adorable you little smarty pants! What size label did you use or did you print on paper and glue on?

Clark and Liesel said...

Love it!! So cute.

Sheryl said...

Such a fun idea--LOVE it!

Maren said...

So Cute- When we got home, Laurel was holding her bottle and said to me, "I think I need some medicine." and tried to open her bottle. Don't worry, I've talked to her about medicine vs. candy. She was "just kidding!."